Earn BLD + CRE rewards by adding liquidity to IST pools on Crescent
Note: You will need IST and either USDC.axl or USDC.grv before proceeding.
Navigate to https://app.crescent.network/farm
Connect your Keplr wallet
Navigate to https://app.crescent.network/portfolio. You must first transfer your IST from Agoric to Crescent and your accompanying pool token USDC.axl or USDC.grv from it's source before you can deposit into a liquidity pool:
Hit 'Deposit New Token'. Select 'IST' under 'From' dropdown. 'To' will auto-populate to Crescent address. Enter the amount you wish to deposit and hit 'Deposit':
Approve IBC transfer via Keplr:
For USDC.grv, simply follow similar 'Deposit New Token' process as IST above. For USDC.axl, you will need to use Axelar UI https://satellite.money/ to transfer your USDC.axl assets to Crescent.
Select your asset source chain and 'Crescent' for 'To' chain. Enter amount you wish to bridge. Note you will have to pay relayer gas fees. Hit 'Autofill' Keplr address and then 'Generate Deposit Address':
Approve transaction on Keplr:
Assets will appear in your Portfolio upon completion of transfer. You're now ready to deposit to a liquidity pool!
Navigate to https://app.crescent.network/farm
Search for 'IST' to locate the pools:
Click the pool you wish to deposit into:
Enter pair amounts you wish to deposit then hit deposit:
Approve transaction in Keplr - Note: you will need some CRE token to cover txn fees. You can faucet CRE from Crescent main page if needed:
Toggle the 'Farm' tab, hit Max and then 'Farm' to lock your pool tokens:
Approve transaction in Keplr:
Congrats! You're now earning BLD rewards for adding liquidity! The pool will now appear under 'My Pools':
Last updated