Depositing Assets to Agoric Chain (to use as Vaults collateral)

Step-by-step how-to guide explaining how to use the IBC transfer feature in the Wallet UI.

  1. You must have an Agoric Smart Wallet provisioned. If you have not done so already please see 'Create your Agoric Account and Smart Wallet'.

  2. Hit 'Deposit' button for the asset you wish to deposit:

  3. You may get a Keplr prompt to add 'Cosmos Hub':

  4. Specify the amount you wish to deposit. Source chain address will default to native token chain i.e. for ATOM this will be Cosmos. Your Agoric chain address should auto-populate. Hit 'Deposit ATOM':

  5. This will perform an IBC transfer of the asset from the source chain to the Agoric chain. (You can similarly use it to withdraw your asset from the Agoric chain to a specified destination chain.)

  6. Approve IBC transfer transaction in Keplr pop-up:

  7. When the transaction completes your asset balance will update. In this example, you will see your ATOM purse increase by 1 ATOM. This amount will be available to lock up as collateral in Vaults dapp UI.

  8. You're now ready to create a vault!

Always review and validate the destination addresses before transferring to ensure you are sending to right account.

Last updated