Create a Vault

Step-by-step guide on how to create a vault and Mint IST

  1. Navigate to Vaults dapp UI,

  2. Hit 'Connect Wallet' in top right. If you have not created an Agoric Smart Wallet please follow the steps at 'Create your Agoric Account and Smart Wallet' then return and continue from here.

  3. The first time you connect your wallet to the Vaults UI Dapp, you may see a 'Read Only' Mode pop-up. This means you haven't yet accepted the dapp connection from your Agoric Smart Wallet. Click the link in the pop-up to navigate to the Agoric Wallet UI where you'll be able to approve Dapp connection. By approving, you are essentially saying 'yes - I agree to let this dapp propose offers'. Note you'll be prompted to do this every time there is a new Vaults UI IPFS hash published by the Economic Committee.

  4. Once dapp connection has been approved, you'll be able to create a vault. Hit 'Add New Vault':

  5. Review and choose collateral type and parameters (note: we are launching with ATOM collateral type which will be pre-selected).

  6. You will need to have the collateral you wish to lock-up on the Agoric chain. If you have already done this, you can proceed to step 6 otherwise see 'Depositing assets to Agoric chain (to use as collateral)' to complete this first.

  7. Enter the collateral amount you wish to lock up. Note: hitting 'Max' button will auto-fill the maximum collateral amount based on your wallet balance.

  8. Enter the IST amount you wish to receive. Note: the collateralization percent will be auto-calculated once you enter this amount based on your previously input locked collateral amount. If you wish to mint the maximum amount of IST based on the locked collateral amount and the minimum collateralization ratio - you can hit the 'Max' button. You can always manually configure either field to tweak vault parameters to your specific liking.

  9. Review vault details in the Vault Summary preview pane on the right and hit 'Create Vault' to submit to your Agoric Smart Wallet for approval.

  10. You will be prompted to navigate to your Agoric Smart Wallet to approve. Clicking 'Go To Wallet' will open a new browser tab of your wallet or bring you to existing wallet tab.

  11. Hit 'Approve' on offer tile in your Agoric Smart Wallet. Note the long URL is the IPFS hash of the latest referenced Vaults UI.

  12. Hit 'Approve' when prompted by Keplr pop-up to sign transaction

  13. Once transaction is successful, your vault is created - congratulations! Navigate back to the Vaults UI to see your new vault appear under 'My Vaults':

Last updated